First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 17th January 2021: "The BIBLE... What's in it for me?"

Psalm 119 v.105-112

Sunday Worship 10th January 2021: "Freedom to Worship?"

Romans 12 v.1-21

Sunday 3rd January 2021: The Moderator's Message

Isaiah 7 v.10-17; 8 v.1-4

Sunday 27th December 2020: Led by a Light

Jeremiah 33 v.15-16

Christmas Day Celebration 2020

John 1 v.1-14

Service of Lessons & Carols 20th December 2020: Hope Up Close


13th December: GREAT Joy to the World

Luke 2 v.8-20

Sunday 6th December 2020: Thank the Inland Revenue for Christmas!

Luke 2 v.1-7

Sunday 29th November 2020: "At Home for Christmas?"

John 1 v.14-18