First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Palm Sunday 28th March 2021

Matthew 21 v.1-11

Sunday 21st March 2021: FREEDOM- Up Close and Personal

Exodus 2 v.23- 3 v.15

Sunday 14th March 2021: "Freedom!" A service on Mothering Sunday

Genesis 12 v.1-8

Sunday 7th March 2021: "FAITH All Age Service"

Sunday 28th February 2021: "What Kind of Christians in 2021?"

2 Timothy 2 v.1-10

Sunday 21st February 2021: "A Hopeless, Helpless World?"

Genesis 3 v.1-19

14th February 2021: What's My Line? Being human in 2021

Psalm 139

Sunday 7th February 2021: "The Lord is my Shepherd"

Psalm 23

31st January 2021: "At the Centre..." Commemoration of Princess Victoria tragedy

Genesis 1 v.1-5, 26-31

Sunday 24th January 2021: The Bible and Life on Earth

Ecclesiastes 3 v.1-8