First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 22nd November 2020: BIBLE SUNDAY

Nehemiah 8 v.1-12

Sunday 15th November 2020: RE-ASSESSING "The ball is in your court"

Luke 13 v.1-9

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY - 8th November 2020

Psalm 40

Sunday 1st November 2020 "REMINDED: Living with Uncertainty"

James 4 v.13-17

Sunday 25th October 2020

Morning Worship 18th October 2020

Mark 8 v.22-38

HARVEST FESTIVAL 11th October 2020

Psalm 148

Morning Worship 4th October 2020: "RE-SENT" Acts 27 v.13-44

Acts 27 v.13-44

Morning Worship 27th September 2020: "RECENTRED"


Message from the Moderator