First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 29th January 2023: Annual Commemoration of MV Princess Victoria Tragedy

1 Peter 3 v.13-17

Sunday 22nd January 2023: Happy, Holy, Humble Shepherds and Sheep

1 Peter 5 v.1-11

Sunday 15th January 2023: OHMS "Serving"

Romans 12 v.1-8

Sunday 8th January 2023 Morning Communion: "A Taste of Home"

Hebrews 12 v.14-29

Sunday 1st January 2023: "Welcome in the New Year"

James 2 v.1-13

Service of Lessons & Carols: "To the Nativity and Beyond!"

Sunday 18th December 2022 Nativity "AMAZING DAYS"

Isaiah 9 v.2, 6-7

Sunday 11th December 2022: Cradle Roll Service

Isaiah 9 v.2-9

Sunday 4th December 2022: World Development Sunday "From Flight to Flourishing"

Jeremiah 7 v.1-11

Sunday 27th November 2022: Bible Sunday "Waiting for God"

Habakkuk 1 v.1-4; 2 v.1-4