First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Epilogue 14th June 2020

Acts 11 v.19-26

7th June 2020 "Rich... in Relationships" Matthew 5 v.21-26

Matthew 5 v.21-26

The Irish Blessing: BE THOU MY VISION

31st May 2020 PENTECOST: "The Call to Continue"

1 Peter 3 v.13-22

Epilogue 31st May 2020 PENTECOST: "Scattered or Gathered?"

Acts 2 v.33

24th May 2020: "What is God Saying to Us?" Mark 1 v.14-20

Mark 1 v.14-20

Epilogue 24th May 2020: Centripetal or Centrifugal?

Matthew 28 v.18-19

17th May Morning Service for Christian Aid Week 2020

17th May Epilogue: Witnesses or Stargazers? Earth or Sky?

Acts 1 v.1-11

10th May: 75th Anniversary of VE-Day & launch of Christian Aid Week 2020

Psalm 57