First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 12th September 2021 Morning Communion: "Another Look? At the WORLD"

Psalm 24

Sunday 5th September 2021: "The Boat and the Breakfast"

John 21 v.1-14

Sunday 22nd August 2021 United Evening Service

Ezra 3 v.1-13

Sunday 22nd August - Morning Service "FLOWERS - Beauty God's Way"

Matthew 26 v.6-10

1st August 2021: The Great Outdoors - SEEDS

Matthew 13

Sunday 25th July 2021

Ecclesiastes 3

Sunday 18th July 2021: The Great Outdoors "LEAVES"

Ecclesiastes 3 v.1-14

Sunday 11th July 2021 The Great Outdoors: "FUNGI"

Romans 16 v.1-16

Sunday 4th July 2021: "LIGHT"

1 Thessalonians 5 v.5-11

Sunday 27th June 2021: The Great Outdoors - ROOTS

Colossians 2 v.6-7; Ephesians 3 v.17-18; Matthew 13 v.20-21