First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 15th May 2022 11am Christian Aid Sunday: Hunger to Hope, Fear to Faith

Matthew 3 v.1-12

Morning Service 8th May 2022: "Body Language"

Luke 24 v.36-43; 1 Corinthians 15 v.20-23

Sunday 1st May 2022: "Resurrect Your Imagination"

2 Corinthians 4 v.7-18

Sunday 24th April 2022: "Bright Sunday" or "Holy Humour Sunday"

John 20 v.1-18

EASTER SUNDAY 17th April 2022: "Skin in the Game"

2 Corinthians 5 v.16-21

Palm Sunday 10th April 2022: "Playing the New Team Way"

Matthew 16 v.13-28

Sunday 3rd April 2022: "New Kingdom, New King - So What Else is New?"

Luke 4 v.14-30

Sunday 27th March 2022 Mothering Sunday: "Launching a New Humanity"

Matthew 3 v.13 - 4 v.11

Sunday 20th March 2022: "Putting a Face to the Name"

Matthew 1 v.18-25

Evening Service 13th March 2022: Chocolate Bars, Pocket Testaments and Alexander Hymns

Psalm 119 v.89-96