First Larne Presbyterian Church

First Larne Presbyterian Church

Service Video Recordings

Service Video Recordings

Sunday 25th September 2022: Back to School Sunday - "I See What You Mean"

Luke 10 v.25-36

18th September 2022 CIVIC SERVICE of Prayer &Reflection on the Eve of the Queen's Funeral

Sunday 18th September 2022: COMMUNION "One Foot in the Future"

1 Peter 1 v.1-12

Sunday 11th September 2022: Service of Reflection, Remembrance & Thanksgiving on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Revelation 21 v.1-7; Psalm 46

Sunday 4th September 2022: "Doubt Your Doubts!"

John 20 v.19-31

Sunday evening 21st August 2022: "A Race Run - Eric Liddell, The Real Chariot of Fire"

Isaiah 40 v.21-31

Sunday Morning 21st August 2022: "Work Matters"

John 21 v.1-14 & Isaiah 65 v.17-25

Sunday 7th August 2022: "Going Bananas!"

Acts 28

Sunday 17th July 2022: Play Your Part

Romans 12 v.1-21

Sunday 10th July 2022 6.30pm: Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship

Philippians 1 v.12-30